Friday, April 20, 2012

Thanks God

Friday, 20 April 2012

I've been forgotten what I've got...
And it has already 5 days gone since my flashdisk was founded..Thanks God..
I feel grateful for what i've got and received..

O yeahh guys..this June we are planning to have a vacation at Bintan Lagoi...
I'm so happy,,waiting for it so much.heheh.
Here some Lagoi View :

Yihaa..Waiting for it...yeahhh...^^

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Flashdisk

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Ohh.. Flashdisk..
Where are you exactly???
I can't sleep, can't eat, can't drink, can't concentrate, can't go to toilet because of you..
You are very important to me..
I don't know how to live without you...

Please asap appear in front of me..
I can't do anything without you..
:'( :'(..HUAAAAAAAAA :'(

Please please..if you are now at somebody else..please tell him/her..You're mine...hiksss...
All my life depend on you..hikss...
How how how??

Tomorrow i will find you at my office..if you are there..please stay tune..don't go anywhere....
Hoping hoping are really at my desk,...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday ^^

Friday, 06 April 2012

Laziness make me didn't post for a time.hahah..
It's April now,
and today I'm on holiday, because today is Good Friday..
Just now i waked up at 9 and breakfast at 10, and now I'm doing my assignment.
Damn boring assignment make me feel can't relax for a long time, hate this kind of assignment >:p

From early March till today, many things happened in my life,, Just don't know where should i start it..kwkwk..
I got many sad and happy things happened, sad is i don't know..wuahhahaha..(don wan to know)
and the happy things are my little sister got scholarship for her university fee later for 4 years. I feel proud of her. And this end of April, she will facing the Final Test for her High School, hoping she will got high score and get over this test. *praying.

About myself, i just hope everything will run smoothly, either is about my work, study or love..Hope it will be balance although i know is hard wkwkwk..
but i try to priority the important one..hehehe..
and now is April, I just wondering if this December will really be a doom's day for our planet ? :-/
I hope it just a prediction and won't be happen..I'm afraid, i don wan to lose my family, my friend and people around me. They just too precious for me.
Feeling grateful because they are staying beside me..Thanks God for everything.
I will learn to cherish them more.. Please give me the way to show how much I love them..

For my Family, I love them so much, but i really don't know how to show my love. I'm just too shy to show my love to them in front of them, but i will do behind. Hope they will  know it *love ^^

For my Friends, Cherish them so much, they are bringing the joy and laugh for me. I think my life should be like hell if they are not staying around me. They're like the clothes, always accompany me where ever I go, can't live without them. I will feeling something missing if they're gone ..: )

For God, Thanks for everything You have made in my life.It's really wonderful..
Appreciate them so much..
Have a nice weekend all :*
