Thursday, August 15, 2013

Everyday is different ^^


最讨厌  要下不下的雨
zui tao yan yao xia bu xia de yu
可惜未来总是  扑朔迷离
ke xi wei lai zong shi pu shuo mi li
如果摔的越痛  才越会飞行
ru guo shuai de yue tong cai yue hui fei xing
快把我  丢向最高的天空里
kuai ba wo diu xiang zui gao de tian kong li

不喜欢  别人说我幸运
bu xi huan bie ren shuo wo xing yun
他们不懂 我有 多么努力
ta men bu dong wo you duo me nu li
虽然冲动永远  比坚持容易
sui ran chong dong yong yuan bi jian chi rong yi

bao gui de dong xi dou xu yao hen fei xin

碰到的事  每一天都不同
peng dao de shi mei yi tian dou bu tong
有的给我眼泪  有的给我笑容
you de gei wo yan lei you de gei wo xiao rong

zhong yu hui zhen xi hua kai bu pa hua luo
走过的曲折 就全变成彩虹
zou guo de qu zhe jiu quan bian cheng cai hong

遇见的人  每一天都不同
yu jian de ren mei yi tian dou bu tong
偶尔失去什么  偶尔学到什么
ou er shi qu shen me ou er xue dao shen me
man man neng fan yue sha qiu zou chu ri luo
每一天的我 要比昨天辽阔
mei yi tian de wo yao bi zuo tian liao kuo

lian wo dou bu xiang xin zi ji de shi hou
zhi you ni yi zhi xiang xin wo
ci ke wo shen me ye bu xiang shuo
yin wei yong bao neng biao da de geng duo

Enjoy guys~

Life's Good

Thursday, 15 August 2013

LG = Life's Good reader... XD I heard a good news from the one of my friend..Hehehehe
mm...that is ahhh one of my friend got propose by her boyfriend and Yessssss the answer.... So sweet...
Hope they can have a happiest and blissful life for the end of time.
Deepest wishes to both of you ^^

And today my Boyfriend is going to Jakarta for the monastery improvement..hehehe
Yesss he go with our friends for 3 days without switch on any phone..omo... can't contact him, but this is the have to obey..hehe.B-)

Because this, today I make Bento for him, he keep asking when I will make Bento for himm...wkwkw..
And today I wake up in the early morning on 5AM...and I fried, cook, cut and decorate the Bento with my fullest love till 6AM, kekekeke..Using one hour to make this..but I'm happy and feeling satisfied with the result..

You guys wanna see...Tadaaaaaaa!

I think it's not bad, but for next time I'll improve my skill..Hiakk hiakkk...

And I've realize that how hard the life is, if you can feel grateful and Life is Good.

Screw Up All..

Have a nice day ^^

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The risk

Saturday, 03 August 2013

When u have decided to take the risk, make sure you have to make it perfect!

Nice weekend all ^^

Friday, August 2, 2013


Friday, 02 August 2013

Just a simple kiss on the lips, and my heart begins to pound. Just a simple smile from you, and I know I'm spellbound - Nicole Kinder

Have a nice day all~