Friday, September 30, 2011


Friday, 30 September 2011

TGIF...It's Friday already,,
Tomorrow it's weekend..but I must working too...
but work for 6 hours only,hehehe

those days my mood so-so..
Sometimes happy sometimes not..
I'm not happy coz of my Dad's legs was hurt..
His leg is swollen seriously,,
Feel sad..
Hope my Dad's leg recovered soon :)

Everyday is going like that,,, working and studying..
But keep fighting forward..
Coz there are no rainbow without rain..

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Time is so Precious.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

It's almost a week i didn't make a post.
Lately i was very busy on working.
My time was spending all of for work till the time off.
Sometimes feel going insane coz of these works, but sometimes feel enjoy coz the time was going so fast.
But i feel a bit of tired, coz of never been like this i thought.
I think i will get used to all of this..heheheh.

and about my study lately..huhu.
almost my lecturer got absent last week...fiuhhh..
Pay money for study, but the lecturer didn't present...haizzz...

TIME is So Precious..
Cherish it every Second :)


Monday, September 19, 2011

Study Again..

19 September 2011,

After have 3 month long holiday..
Finally back to normal life..Work and Study..So tired!!
Time flies so fast.
Today will be the first day in 5th semester for me..
4 semester more to gain my graduation..about 2 years..
I hope I can study well...

Today our college will be increase more student coz of new semester for new student.hahaha.
so i will meet many stranger..and my class for this semester was definitely new i think..
Hope all of it will going smoothly :)'s time for me to working.. :)
O yeah...suddenly forgot..Yesterday is my Birthday ..
But i didn't celebrate at all..
Nobody know...Just some friend and my Genk..Lucky Seven..but not all of them give me the greeting..But NVM..maybe they were busy so forget it..
Thanks guys who have given me greeting...I would be very appreciate it :)


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love,love,love @@

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Saying about love..
I feel nothing..
Love someone who didn't love us.
Love someone who just play with us.
Love someone who never be with us.

Every Girl wanna have a blissful relationship..
and so do i..
But..never go smoothly...
Feel so lame...Hhuhuhuhuhu..
Where is my other part..??
Where are you??


Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Chinese Birthday ^^

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Yihaa..It's Weekend now...nananannanana~~~~

Last two days is my Chinese Birthday, ε…«ζœˆεδΈ€,
That day I got Gold Key Necklace from my Mom and Red Pocket from my Brother..
I also got other gift..My sister bought me laptop's charger and my young brother bought me a bag (actually he give me money,,ckckck)

I eat Mie Sua Neng that day..Yummyyyy ~ ~

My Mom Cook for me :p
At the night, my sister buy me a small cake for celebrate :D
Thank you sis :*
Cake from my sister :)
 And the day after it 09 Sept 2011
My Friends...Melody Group,,,
At first,i planned treat them for karaoke..
But they bought cake for me...
Thanks guys :*

Cake from Melody ^^
Hhahaha...we are crazy last night..
We shout and dance..hahaha..
Really enjoy that time...Cherish it !! :)
There are some pictures took at Inul Vista Last Night =p

All Guys :)
Me & Xin Ai :*

Me & Ace :)

Me & Ana :)

Me & Meily :)

Me & Xueqiu :)

Me & Si Wilson :p

Me & Jian Chen :)

Me & William :)

Me & Do2..:)

Me & Sukir :)

Me & Ricky :)
Thanks again all guys..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dance on the floor ~:D~

Tuesday, 06 Sept 2011

It's been 2 weeks i didn't share my post :)

Many things happened on these days,
Really really fantastic : p
I make it short guys..
The most memorable moment i remembered is the dance performance..
Yeahhh,,we have practice and  learn tango dance for about 3 month, and on last 3 September 2011. We have show off this dance..
Feeling so nervous but happy..hehehe..
We performed well, but have little mistake, but it's ok,,
Long time no dance ,hihihi..
I don know we would be continue dance or not.
But i hope we can continue..don wanna end like this :(
Yehaaaa...these some photos we took in the wedding party..
Woww..Super Melody : )

5 GAY :p
5 Ladies

Me & Wilson : p