Saturday, February 25, 2012

Recently life

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Lazy me make me didn't make a post for a time..
about 19 days my blog was idle..hehe..Sorry Love Cappucino :p

For these 19 days..many things happened in my life.
Work, Study, Friendship and also Love..hahhaa..
I think this post would be the longest post =p

Work ^_^
My workplace, everything was running as usual.
But one of my colleague taken a leave for give birth of baby..hihih..
She is one my best colleague, she always care of us and she did everything with her silly face..hahah..
She taught us alot..but seems she had some uneasy at this workplace.
Hope she will be patient for all of the problem..hehe..*praying.

Beside that, my supervisor gonna resign soon :'(
He will go to a better workplace..He is really smart..but nobody realize that..
We're always got some solution from him..
Many of us got reward from his poor he is...
But I believe one day he will got big reward for his own effort..Ganbatte Oppa ^^

Myself at workplace..HUAAAAA :'( , my computer suddenly gimme some problem..i can switch on my computer..but the CPU inside seems got a problem, maybe on it's mainboard..But my computer still have guarantee...then it was sent for repair, hope it can recovered soon..I can't live without you :'(

Yeahhh..that's about my workplace =p

Study ^_^
About my study, now i'm sitting on 6th semester of my university life..
It will be end soon.
Now I'm facing an assignment, it called "Metpen-Metedologi Penelitian" or Research Methodology..
I must find out the suitable topic for my study specialization.
My specialization is Networking.
but now i'm so confused to face it..
I haven't got the suitable topic yet..Make me confused @@
Hoping i can got it asap..Ganbatte ZLFonk : ) You can !!

Friendship ^_^
Talk about friendship..
It's hard sometime, it will be everlasting but it'll be change..wkwkkww..
So the conclusion is " Friendship will change as the time flies but it'll be everlasting and be a memories".

Love ^_^
Love is beautiful word in this world if you know how to feel it, how to care it and how to grow it..heheh.
For me now, still can't accept anyone to be my soulmate..Maybe i don't dare for it or maybe i don't have any feeling for them..Everytime i've tried to accept them. But my heart hasn't ready for it..
I can't fight with my heart unless it'll be bring hurt for others.
So better i keep my heart by my side..keep till I'm ready for it..wondering when is it ? :-/

That's my bout your story friends??
J.k ^^


Renny Jz said...

ciyeeee aponggg..~~~ curi" ge love..

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