Friday, October 19, 2012

SRS will gone soon

Friday, 19 October 2012

SRS would be disappear soon..right? yeahh...maybe it's the time you have to go, you're waiting for so long or I'm making you waiting too long?

Feeling not bear to let you go if you really wanna go.
I don't have a right to make you stay, I don't know how to make you stay, I don't have courage to make you stay and I'm not ready yet to make you stay...
I know impossible to ask somebody to wait us while you're not ready yet and can't give him/her definitely's too egoist..

I'm trying to forget all about this thing, trying to buck up myself and point ahead my future.


HWGS said...

SRS? u shouldn't let SRS go if u not bear, even u have no right, u dunno, u have no courage, have not ready, but u r not bear..haha

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