Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm childish?

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Good evening guys....It's raining heavily right now at my place..Feel so warn even though my heart was empty..hahaha....

Yahh...yesterday someone said that I'm become childish now..Am I? Really?
As I read the sentence... I can't describe my feeling..haha...

Feel so hurt and so down .. But...Nevermind..that's the point so I can change and become better...heheh..:')

Love sometimes can be so happy but sometimes hurt like a hell...Hahahhaha...It's true...
Ehhh....Why I said about love? Am I in love right now? Hope it's not...
Because I still not ready yet...I'm lonely maybe yehhh....wkkwkwkw...

I want to concentrate about my assignment now, and hope something can make me busy so I won't thinking others that can make my day blues...hahaha..

My feeling now is like a heavily rain now.... 

I really wanna go to a place that nobody's there...Hahhaha...
Someone just force me or appear in front of me and take me go..I'll go...Hahahha...

Ahhh...raining so warm...
Have a nice day ;)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Smile :) or Cry :'(

Wednesday, 07 November 2012

Good morning...^^

Lately I'm so confused about this life... sometimes feel that I can be an independent girl but sometimes feel that I really need someone to lean on... But.............................

Yah.... I've a question for you all that have been haunting me for a time...
Few days ago I was reading the tweet from the twitter..
It says... Choose the person who can make u smile not can make u cry, because with smile, your day will be bright...
Then I also read one of tweet again and it says If you cry it means you love her/him and if you smile it means you like her/him...

So what exactly the right one?
I know you will answer depend of ourselves and depend to our heart, just follow your heart..

But sometimes seems so difficult to choose,,isn't it?
Imagine that you guys in this situation...What would you do?


It's kinda difficult question for me..I don't know how about you?
Haahhahah... take as you homework =p

Just a question... guess how the answer of you..

Have a nice day ^^

Monday, November 5, 2012

Simply Life is Good!

Monday, 05 November 2012

1st wish on November, wishing world peace and everything going smoothly especially my final paper or assignment..Fighting!

Here today I wanna share about simply life meaning I got after I read one of the article that my Lecturer share to me. The article contain a journey of life, life pursuits and life meaning exactly by him (Dr. Richard Teo).

In this article, he said that he was born in an average family mean economy in standard stage, and he want to gain his aim by earning much money and got a lot of thing and reach the pinnacle of life. He then work hard, study hard and finally he got the business, the surgery business kinda like plastic surgery to fulfill those auntie-auntie or others satisfied. After he got a lot of money, he spend his life with a highly standard, every weekend will hang out or clubbing with his friend and make a friend with those rich guy and rich girl and even having a friend like miss world or something. He thought that he is the happiest guy that time. 

Every Chinese Lunar New Year, he will drive his luxury sport car to his relative's house to show off and making many things that he feel he is the great one. And one day, he feel that his back was hurt and going to his friend's place (a doctor also) to have a check up. His friend said that he got the 4th stage of lung cancer. Suddenly he feel that he just got what he want but end up with 4th stage of lung cancer with no hope of life anymore.

When he write this article, he realize that all of the wealth he have can't bring him to the happiness he want. Actually what he need is the concern and love from the people around him such as family of friends.
And now he has already passed away.
He also give the messages for us. The messages got 2 point:
1. Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart – this is so important.
2. Is to love and serve others, not just ourselves.

The post above is just a summary from what I've read. If you want to read the full article, you can click here
Rest in Peace Dr. Richard Teo, God always stay beside you..Amin

From this article, I've learn that exactly a lot of thing will be got by money but something that we couldn't pay by money, that's happiness with purely heart to server others.

Simply life is Good! I'll try to not expect too much that will disserve others and make my life goods. It's worst.

Trust in Lord your God with all your heart, the most important to have your inner happiness.
Always try to serve others with your truly and sincere heart.
And then you will find your happiness.

I hope I can find my inner happiness soon...I think I can do it...and also You the reader ; )

Nice day all..Have a awesome Monday!