Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Smile :) or Cry :'(

Wednesday, 07 November 2012

Good morning...^^

Lately I'm so confused about this life... sometimes feel that I can be an independent girl but sometimes feel that I really need someone to lean on... But.............................

Yah.... I've a question for you all that have been haunting me for a time...
Few days ago I was reading the tweet from the twitter..
It says... Choose the person who can make u smile not can make u cry, because with smile, your day will be bright...
Then I also read one of tweet again and it says If you cry it means you love her/him and if you smile it means you like her/him...

So what exactly the right one?
I know you will answer depend of ourselves and depend to our heart, just follow your heart..

But sometimes seems so difficult to choose,,isn't it?
Imagine that you guys in this situation...What would you do?


It's kinda difficult question for me..I don't know how about you?
Haahhahah... take as you homework =p

Just a question... guess how the answer of you..

Have a nice day ^^


HWGS said...

cry when the situation made u must cry, and smile everytime when u laugh, or even in low situation..

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