Thursday, January 23, 2014

How I feel in Pra-Chinese New Year

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Hai my friends, my first post on 2014 will relate with Chinese New Year.
Because actually I love a lot of Chinese New Year.
I always enjoy the wind when nearly Chinese New Year, it's totally different with common day and common month. Only the end of December and whole January you can feel it.
Everytime when I feel this wind, I really miss my hometown so much, I miss my childhood, miss everything when I still in hometown.
Actually I wanna go back this year, but because some reason so I'm not go back to my hometown this year.
Will celebrate with my part of my family at here. But less of my Father, Brother, Sister-in-law, Nephews and Niece. They will stay at hometown and my Father will come to Batam on 9th day of Chinese New Year, because 10th day of Chinese New Year My Father and Mother will go to Taiwan for a holiday.
Feel so happy they can go for holiday together, so that they can spend more time together.
Because common day, my Mother will stay at Batam with us and My Father will stay at my hometown to do his work and will visit us once in triple month or something.
Still wish we can stay together since my Father and my Mother were not young anymore.
So hope can spend with them often.
Hope one day, because my Father doesn't like Batam a lot, he can't go anywhere except stay at home, sleeping and watching TV.
Very boring isn't it?

Beside that, although I'm not go back to my Hometown this year, I still take leave on 30 January till 3 February.
Will work again on 4 February.
Not bad, I can use those days to spend with my family and also Apui Family too.

And this year I also don't buy a lot of clothes due to I think now I'm mature more. (self confidence) XD
Just want to save money so later If I have something to spend. I'll really use it well.
Will not buy too much as long as it's enough.

Today just want to sharing about how I feel for Pra-Chinese New Year.
Hope this Chinese New Year happen amazingly and great.
Will share the post soon for sharing with ya'll

Nice day all ^^

Monday, December 30, 2013

It's the time to change

Monday, 30 December 2013

Omo, I've been abandon my blog for triple month...kekeke irresponsible me #facepalm.

But never mind as long as I've been take care it back today.

Hi fellow guys hi my friends, today I want to share something I think that's great to read.
Actually this article is written by the famous make up teacher on Youtube call Michelle Pan.

This article before was shared by one of my friend, she is very love Michelle Pan. 
So when I open this article, it's really inspired me too.
Here I copy the article, so all of you can read it and hope it'll also can inspire all of you like I do.

1.) The importance of rest: I firmly believe in all of my subbies’ abilities to achieve their wildest dreams – but it’s important that you are leaving enough time in the day to give your body (and brain) some rest.  We should all channel our inner Superwoman when it comes to pursuing our passions, but if you’re always doing a million things a day – even if they’re all enjoyable – eventually, you will burn out.  A lot of people learn this the hard way, so take my advice now and give your body the break it deserves.  Whether it’s a pampering day at the spa, a night in with the girlfriends or just an effort to actually get 8 hours of sleep (it’s harder than it sounds!), giving your body time to rest and recharge is what will help you keep doing what you love in the long run.

2.) Credit card checklist: A lot of people attribute post-college life with financial freedom.  And with that financial freedom comes one very appealing perk: credit cards.  But before you go dashing off to the nearest bank, make sure to ask yourself three questions (I call it the “credit card checklist”): 1.) Do I have a steady source of income? 2.) Have I been responsible with my money in the past? 3.) Will I be able to stay under the monthly credit limit? If you answered yes to all three of these questions, then you are set to apply for a credit card.  A lot of banks will target new graduates, so make sure you are really ready for the responsibility!

3.) Know your needs: Know what makes you happy – then don’t be afraid to ask for it.  Whether it’s in the workplace, in your relationships, or any other part of your life, standing up for yourself is something you should never be afraid to do.  A lot of people may avoid it because they are afraid it will make them appear selfish or demanding, but in the end, you are in charge of your own happiness.  Don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve!    

4.) Friendships take effort: Friendships can feel so easy in school; after all, you see each other in class everyday.  Unfortunately, that isn’t the way it always is.  As we grow up, our lives get filled with new things – and sometimes before we know it, those effortless friendships have faded into the background in the blink of an eye.  If I’ve learned anything, it’s that even the best friendships require effort to keep the bond strong.  And just because they take some work doesn’t mean they’re not worth holding onto! So don’t forget to call up your friends on the weekends or set up a weekly dinner date.

5.) Focus inwards, not outwards: One of the biggest pitfalls you can encounter in life is to constantly compare yourself to those around you.  It’s okay – we all fall into that trap every once and awhile. The thing is, comparing yourself will never make you happy – and that’s a life lesson that it takes some people years to learn!  Instead of focusing on those around you, turn the focus inwards.  Find out what makes you happy and focus on doing that.  Don’t be afraid to relish all of your own victories, from the big to the small.
6.) Take risks: Just because something scares you doesn’t mean it can’t be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.  Taking risks in your life can have huge pay-offs.  And even if they don’t always go the way you’d like, I’ve always believed that I would rather have experienced it than be left wondering “what if?”  The next time an opportunity comes knocking, take it – some of the best things in life only happen when you leave what’s comfortable and take a leap of faith.

7.) Travel: Nothing opens your eyes and refreshes your spirit as much as travel.  I don’t know if it’s the change of scenery or the ability to experience a different culture, but traveling always puts things in perspective.  It makes you realize that the world is so much bigger than just you! I’m not saying that everyone has to go on an expensive trip to another continent; in fact, simply going on a weekend road trip to a different city can be a breath of fresh air.  I highly recommend that everyone take at least one trip outside his or her city – it will forever change the way you view the world.

8.) Avoid gossip: Almost every girl has gossiped before – but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to keep doing it. Gossip may seem harmless and fun at first, but it can easily turn into an ugly tool that can hurt feelings, tear apart friends and ruin relationships.  Don’t underestimate the power of words.  Next time you feel the urge the gossip, picture how you would feel if you were the other person overhearing what you were about to say.  If you can’t say it in front of the person you are talking about, don’t say it at all!

9.) Appreciate the little things: Sometimes we get so caught up in the crazy whirlwind of life that we lose sight of what’s important.  I find that taking a step back and appreciating the little pleasures that often go unnoticed – from the smell of fresh coffee in the morning to the way the city glistens after a thunderstorm – always helps me refocus.  Think of the way little kids get so excited about the simplest things that we usually take for granted.  The world is a beautiful, exciting place – let’s spend more time focusing on that than worrying about things out of our control. 

10.) You are stronger than you know: No matter what life throws your way, no matter how many times your heart gets broken, no matter how many disappointments you experience, know this: you are stronger than you know. Time heals all wounds, and no matter how down you may feel, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. You will emerge from every low period in your life with a lesson learned and a better understanding of yourself.  So let yourself cry – but after awhile, let yourself heal.  You might be surprised at your own strength.

From the 10 lesson above, the most inspiring lesson for me is the lesson 5 and lesson 9.
I think that's make me realize, realize that every small thing happen for a reason and take a time to re-think again. What's the most important in your life?
Appreciate every little things and be grateful, you will find the amazing grace from Above and you will feel the amazing happiness you haven't feel it before.

Today's  already 30 December 2013, 2 days to go is the beginning of the New year.
Do you guys already plan anything for your upcoming year?
Try, use this two days to make a note and make a list. What you want to do, when and how?
I'm sure all of you can do it well.
Goodluck everyone. 
Hope faith always walk with you.

End of year regards from me,


Monday, September 16, 2013

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Monday, 17 September 2013

Hi all..

Today here I want to sharing some trick I got during Seminar on 7-8 September 10 days ago.
I feel very happy can join this seminar..Actually at the first time I don't want to join because of the fee.The fee is 500.000 Rupiah..for me is quite a big deal because I can save it and also can buy a lot of things..
But because of my leader was insist asking me to join this Seminar so mm I decided to join..

Yess...And in this Seminar I get a lot of friend and feel a bit closer one another than before.
Just feel so happy and also my boyfriend join this Seminar and thinking that after that we can share together what we get from this Seminar.
The Seminar topic is Mind Programming or NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
Neuro is mean Mind
Okay guys.
The speaker is Basuki Harijadi (the national Speaker in Indonesia)
Yes he taught us and he let us know level of our mind, the process of what we're thinking about and how our brain work of it.
We have two level in our brain when we're doing anything include typing, walking, seeing, running and etc..conscious mind and subconscious mind and what we use when we're typing, walking, seeing and running?
Yes they're using conscious mind and it already become our habit in our life.

Then what's the role of subconscious mind?
You know what, yes subconscious mind have 70% more powerful than conscious mind..

So it's mean whatever we want, just focus and take it to subconscious mind.
But how to do?
How to practice it in our life?

Yes...Let me sharing at here as I get from this training..

Before we sleep, 30 minutes before, sit and focus and relax and think what you want you just take it as you're already have it and you're already achieve it.
Actually we have the music to let us feel relax because it will take our brain to ALPHA level means the very relax our subconscious mind will open and absorb what we think and what we want.
So when you heard that music and program it on your mind, and I think will be success and will be real..
Yah I have no proof here, because myself haven't try it seriously..

But if you guys feel interesting, just try and the goods will come to you...

Nice day all ^^
Goodluck for me and for you all : )

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Everyday is different ^^


最讨厌  要下不下的雨
zui tao yan yao xia bu xia de yu
可惜未来总是  扑朔迷离
ke xi wei lai zong shi pu shuo mi li
如果摔的越痛  才越会飞行
ru guo shuai de yue tong cai yue hui fei xing
快把我  丢向最高的天空里
kuai ba wo diu xiang zui gao de tian kong li

不喜欢  别人说我幸运
bu xi huan bie ren shuo wo xing yun
他们不懂 我有 多么努力
ta men bu dong wo you duo me nu li
虽然冲动永远  比坚持容易
sui ran chong dong yong yuan bi jian chi rong yi

bao gui de dong xi dou xu yao hen fei xin

碰到的事  每一天都不同
peng dao de shi mei yi tian dou bu tong
有的给我眼泪  有的给我笑容
you de gei wo yan lei you de gei wo xiao rong

zhong yu hui zhen xi hua kai bu pa hua luo
走过的曲折 就全变成彩虹
zou guo de qu zhe jiu quan bian cheng cai hong

遇见的人  每一天都不同
yu jian de ren mei yi tian dou bu tong
偶尔失去什么  偶尔学到什么
ou er shi qu shen me ou er xue dao shen me
man man neng fan yue sha qiu zou chu ri luo
每一天的我 要比昨天辽阔
mei yi tian de wo yao bi zuo tian liao kuo

lian wo dou bu xiang xin zi ji de shi hou
zhi you ni yi zhi xiang xin wo
ci ke wo shen me ye bu xiang shuo
yin wei yong bao neng biao da de geng duo

Enjoy guys~

Life's Good

Thursday, 15 August 2013

LG = Life's Good reader... XD I heard a good news from the one of my friend..Hehehehe
mm...that is ahhh one of my friend got propose by her boyfriend and Yessssss the answer.... So sweet...
Hope they can have a happiest and blissful life for the end of time.
Deepest wishes to both of you ^^

And today my Boyfriend is going to Jakarta for the monastery improvement..hehehe
Yesss he go with our friends for 3 days without switch on any phone..omo... can't contact him, but this is the have to obey..hehe.B-)

Because this, today I make Bento for him, he keep asking when I will make Bento for himm...wkwkw..
And today I wake up in the early morning on 5AM...and I fried, cook, cut and decorate the Bento with my fullest love till 6AM, kekekeke..Using one hour to make this..but I'm happy and feeling satisfied with the result..

You guys wanna see...Tadaaaaaaa!

I think it's not bad, but for next time I'll improve my skill..Hiakk hiakkk...

And I've realize that how hard the life is, if you can feel grateful and Life is Good.

Screw Up All..

Have a nice day ^^

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The risk

Saturday, 03 August 2013

When u have decided to take the risk, make sure you have to make it perfect!

Nice weekend all ^^

Friday, August 2, 2013


Friday, 02 August 2013

Just a simple kiss on the lips, and my heart begins to pound. Just a simple smile from you, and I know I'm spellbound - Nicole Kinder

Have a nice day all~