Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last day on 2011..

Saturday, 31 December 2011's last day for this year...hihihi..'s your life on 2011???
Hhahaha..i hope all of you are great..
I'm pass through this year plainly.. nothing special happened in this year. But fortunately I pass it smoothly. Thanks God..

Today is the last day..and most of the people are waiting this day and celebrate it.
Everyone hoping 2012 will be better than do I and today everyone who celebrate will countdown at 11.59.It would be very crowd and woww....

I will celebrate with my dance's crew and their friends at KTM or Tanjung Pinggir. Hope this party will give me the best moment to remember for this 2011.
and I would like to apologize to everyone for what I have done this year. If I have do something wrong..
Forgive me..I won't repeat it again.

I will do better for this last day and for next 2012...
You can!!!!..

Happy New Year all..
Have a nice life and nice day for 2012..hihihi


Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year Soon...

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Hello yeahh guys,,,
It's 29 December 2011 today..2 days more is New Year 2012..
It's seem so fast that i have pass through all this year...and thanks God..I'm fine and so my family and my friend :)
All has been setting down by You..

I hope for these 2 days before ending of this year..I can do something right, i don't want to make disappointed to my family and people around me.
I hope all my bad habit can lessen one by one and be a new person for New Year later.
I know i won't be the best but i will try the best.
For all of you that have many problems in this 2011. Hoping you also got new life and great things happen in your life at 2012.
Buck Up..


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Feel great to the max..\(>,<)/

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

I'm very happy, happy and happy..
the reason of it is I can go back to my hometown for one week on Chinese Lunar New Year..
I feel very excited..
Can't say in word...WUkakakkakakakak..

Very thanks to all of it.
Actually before i have worried how to go back for long time coz my supervisor was also wanna going back. Because we are same hometown..
Then I'm very worried, how to request to my Manager..and i decided to discuss this problem with my supervisor and manager..My manager give us a leave..but can't at the same time..because our department can't empty for a long time..
So My manager make arrangement. Two of us..One is going back from 18 Jan-25 Jan and one is 22 Jan - 29 Jan..
OMG...I'm of course choose the second one..
But before my supervisor said that he will insist till 29 Jan.
After this arrangement..he gave me the second one.
KAMXIA KAMXIA...Kamsahabnida..감사합니다장기 살고 (Long Life OPPA) =p

Yeahhh...I just wanna share my great joy here.,..hihiihih...

Llalalalalalallllalalalallalal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Changing of life

Thursday, 08 December 2011
3-4 days ago i found something weird in my office.
Someone i trusted become weird..I don't know what she think about,
But she really change..without hesitate..
She said that she wanna be a fair one,but actually she didn't,she become stranger for us.
But i hope she will realized it.

I think everybody would be change as time is running, day by day, month by month, year by year.
It's become a procedure of life i think.
But sometimes feeling if she/he change become bad. It's so pity and poor.
Hoping everybody get revolution but change to good side. So it won't harm anybody and anything.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


Thursday, 01 December 2011

It's already December yay *\(^_^)/* yay *\(^_^)/* yay!!!
Last month on 2011..1 month to go to 2012..Lalalala~~~~
It's almost New Year,,but before New Year, it will be a Christmas Eve on 25 December.. Holy night ^^

Yeyyyy... in this beginning of this month. I have many many wish to wished :
~ My family are always stay happy and healthy
~ My salary will be rise more
~ My work will be always run smoothly
~ People beside me will be always happy
~ and many more i will wished at beginning of the 2012..hihihihi..
xixi..seems I'm too greedy...ckckckc..but i just wishing...not forcing to be mine...but hope hope really be mine..WUAHAHHAHAHA..

I always hoping got someone that would stay beside me and understand me all the time..How I wish... ~(^/\^)~
I will wait,,wait till the time is right and my Mr.Right will come for me..hihiih..
Kidding guys,,
It's only a wish...not the primary wish..primary wish are on upstairs, hahahah...

that's all,,
Hope this month all of you are stay in happiness and so am I..