Thursday, December 1, 2011


Thursday, 01 December 2011

It's already December yay *\(^_^)/* yay *\(^_^)/* yay!!!
Last month on 2011..1 month to go to 2012..Lalalala~~~~
It's almost New Year,,but before New Year, it will be a Christmas Eve on 25 December.. Holy night ^^

Yeyyyy... in this beginning of this month. I have many many wish to wished :
~ My family are always stay happy and healthy
~ My salary will be rise more
~ My work will be always run smoothly
~ People beside me will be always happy
~ and many more i will wished at beginning of the 2012..hihihihi..
xixi..seems I'm too greedy...ckckckc..but i just wishing...not forcing to be mine...but hope hope really be mine..WUAHAHHAHAHA..

I always hoping got someone that would stay beside me and understand me all the time..How I wish... ~(^/\^)~
I will wait,,wait till the time is right and my Mr.Right will come for me..hihiih..
Kidding guys,,
It's only a wish...not the primary wish..primary wish are on upstairs, hahahah...

that's all,,
Hope this month all of you are stay in happiness and so am I..


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