Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Keep calm and carry on :)

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Hohoho..I think I make the post triple a month...In the early of month, middle of month and the end of month..wkwkwk..
May I just got 3 post and it's really schedule at early, middle and end..wkwkkww..

Today I wanna tell about my half month life since 14 May till today..
I walk through this month with many kind of emotion and weather.. Happy, Joy, Sad, Cry, Rainy day, Sunny day, Cloudy day..Hahaha..

First that I wanna to mention is about my assignment.. I did my assignment not really well.. I think I won't got the good result for it..:(
I should try my best for my next 2 big assignment..I'm stress of them..I hate this kind of life :(
I don't like stress :'(
But It must to achieve my graduation... Keep Calm and Carry On ^,^..
I know I can do it..although it's bit hard..
Hwaiting !!!

Second that I have to have my holiday soon.. I'll go for a vacation with my classmates at Bintan..Yehehee..
The schedule is on 9-10 June..We go for 2 days 1 night..hehe...Hope it will be a great vacation..and unforgettable memories..hehe..
We are all about 20 person..
And today is already 31 May..How I give a reason for my boss to take this leave???
How how??
Somebody help me...
I want to tell him honestly..but would he allowed ?? huhuhu..
then if I lie to himm.. After this vacation..My friends will upload photo to Facebook..and how to face this problem if they found out this lie...HUAAAAAA :'(...This would be my homework for these week to bring out the best reason...~.~

Third, Life is unpredictable..people come and people go... What should we do to make all perfect???
We are unperfect to make all things perfect?
Who can teach me?
When people nice to you.. appreciate it..don't let down them, but sometime just to hard to make all perfect..
Sorry if I let you down..
Everything happens for a reason..and I believe it...
Realize it and follow your heart :)
I will try to make all perfect but need to sacrifice something...^^

So those my words :)

Hwaiting all !!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Life for stress

Monday, 14 May 2012

It has been 14 May..half of this month have been passed...
I just don't realize it..I will face an final exam for this term 1 week more..OMG @.@
It's really fast.. and now i also got one assignment that make me so stressed...huhuhu..
Hoping i can done it well... and release myself from all of these, I'm too tired to do this kind of assignment..I hate it >,<

After this term, I must face my short term in my college.. The reason I decided to have a short term emm,,to lighten my 7th term.. because I also will face heavy assignment at 7th term..
Even though it's hard, but have to keep move on..
It's one year left..After this one year..Emmm..I'm free..heheh..
Free means no assignment concern with college again..but i'm sure will miss my college life after that..hehehe

Ok is Monday,, many people said It's Monday blue...
The day that so uneasy... *my awful description =))

Yeah... It's time for work..
Happy Working All ^^
Have a nice day :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fighting ^^

Thursday, 03 May 2012

Taemin ahh..
Nobody support me to loving you..They said I was crazy...were I?
I just in a short time being in love with you, you are dance great and your smile is I like to see you..
I just one of million fans of you..hohoho..
I think there would be another fans of you would be more crazy than me..hoohoh..
Yeah...I just like to see you..
Actually I'm afraid that i would be same as other fans..they are no crazy..they just fond of you coz of ur cuteness.hahahah..
I should forget this thing and put you in another side..I know it couldn't happened in real i just imagine of you..hahhaah.. <3

emmm.. realize that i live in Batam-Indonesia, so don't think too much about the idol or something else..heheh and now I'm not a kid anymore, i must fight for my future..hohooh..
But before that,,I've to finished my study for one year more..Hope it can pass faster.. I want to have my own world..Have many things to learn to gain..hehehe..
I hope i can give comfy life for my family and myself..hoho..
Must be work hard and trust myself that i can..heheh..
So you guys also must have the spirit to fight for your future ^^