Friday, June 17, 2011

Crying :">


Crying when we were sad is normal..isn't it?
Crying when we felt touched is normal..isn't it?
Crying when we felt scared is normal..isn't it?
Crying when we felt angry is normal..isn't it?
But why my friends always say that i'm the champion of crying ??

Maybe at high school, i cry for twice, third or fourth i forgot,,
but i think is normal guys..
I cried coz i feel scared, sad, emotion and touched...

I remember the first time i cried, coz my teacher scold us when we were late enter the class after the breaks.
We aren't allowed to enter the classroom. I felt very sad, coz at that time i wanna serious in study.
So i face the teacher and explain to him but the teacher gave me a big shout...
OMG...i cried..BRUKAKAAKKAKAKAKKA...but i felt ok, coz this was our fault..
Crying for a first time at high school..(shy*)

I dun know when i cried again..but i just remember i cried almost becoz of my teacher's shout...(KNS)...
wuakkakakaka...(afraid of loud)

But now..i never cry anymore..
I'm becoming strong and strong now...:))
nobody will defeat me :p
But hi frenz...just crying loudly when u can't control ur'll be more comfortable :)



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