Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Can't describe

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Un-Describable feeling..
Last night I just heard that my Best Friend's Mom was passed away. This news totally defect me. 
My heart keep beating, my eyes seems filled by a ton of tears..I can't hold on and I walk out from the class.
I sat at stair and keep thinking what's really happened.
Yahh...I can't face this truth, I feel very very sad that can't describe. My tears keep falling down like the rain.
I can't imagine how my dear friend face this truth..Totally down.. :'(
Dear friend, hold on and I know u're strong. : )

Tell me and shout me when u need me..I'll be everywhere for you ..

Life is so unpredictable, human born and passed away is a must. But it's so sad when the sad thing, passed away happened on our friends or family around us..

So I just have a word, Cherish them before they walked away from ur life. 



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