Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Gift ^^

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


I've promised before that I'll post my Birthday gift that I got from my Friends...
Here they are:


Big Gift I give for myself 
Gift from my Buddy (Ce Tina,Khun Hia & Selly)

Gift from my Besties
Gift from Bro
Gift from Devil Monk
Thanks everybody for the gift although I didn't celebrate it..Hahaha...
And today is also my Special day (Lunar Birthday) and my Brother special day...hihi..
My brother will have a new born baby soon..I think It's already out :p
My niece...born today...(detail update later)

Hohoho...Feel great ^^..and Thanks to the God...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Holiday + Concert

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

And guyssss tomorrow I'll go to Jakarta......Yeheeee...\:D/
Feel so excited..wondering that tonight I can sleep or not...Buahahahaha....

Emmm...Last night I've prepared all my things and put them in my small suitcase.. and maybe tonight I'll complete them all =p
I bring a small suitcase and one small backpack...hihihi..
Suitcase filled by my clothes and backpack filled with my little useful stuff...hihih..
Tomorrow I take a morning flight around 8.45..
And I must arrive there about 7.00 I think...But I don't know how to go there.. Maybe by Taxi...pittt..pittt...xixixix...
One of my friend is offering me to go with him..But I think I have bother him a lot... So I think maybe I'll go by myself..Be a independent girl ba !!!! : D
I think tomorrow I'll be over exciting till stomachache or something else..wkwkwkkw..
Hope I can control myself..hihihi...
Fighting ZLFonk ^^

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Day ~

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Thanks God I've been born for 21 years and I'm healthy and still alive in this world...
Yay! Today is my Day...My Special Day.....
I want to thanks to the GOD, to my Parents who give birth me in this world and also want to thanks to my Friends who always stay around me,,.Thank You...

*Short Speech...LOL
Emmm Emm...
Feeling so blessed and happy today, got surprise from my colleagues last night at BCS Mall,,
They celebrate my birthday with a pinky cake and a lot of of GIFT...and I like the GIFT..Thanks Buddy :*

My Princess Cake >,<
My Buddy ^^

Hahahha...Haven't took a photo of their gift...Update later =p
Emm...So happy and surprise and touched *not cry..wkwkwkw..

Yay...and this morning got many Birthday Greeting from my Friends although I've try to keep it by myself but couldn't..wkwkwk..
Thanks Friends for your greeting ^^...Buddha Bless You..
and tonight I'll stay at home to packing my stuff..hihiihh...
2 days to go to Jakarta...#awww...Excitedddd....

Hope all is going well....Lalalalalala...
Oh yah...surprisingly my Birthday is same with Amber f(x)..hihihi..but she is younger than me..she is 1992 and I'm 1991...Saengil Chuka Amber Dongsaeng *seems like we know each other..LOL...

Have a nice Tuesday all ^^

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The day is coming soon

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Hello friends,
The reason that I don't make a post for a 2 weeks because that my mind is blank.. Don't know I wanna post and have no mood to post too.. is the place to pour out my feeling my day my experience and also my everything that I wanna share.

Emm..Today is 15 September, so it means that my college is waiting for me 2 days more and also Jakarta is waiting for me 5 days more..Feel so excited..hihihih... 
Actually I feel so down when I know that there are also SMTOWN concert held at Singapore..It held on 23 November and Singapore is near with Batam but unfortunately the news come lately..I've bought the Jakarta one..but nevermind, as long as I can watch for one..hehe..

and yesterday I've got my SMTOWN ticket from my friend.'s already on my hand..yahuiiii...>,<
Time flies, it's left 5 days and I will go to Jakarta...hehehe..
I hope this concert will become a most meaningful moment.. and I thought this concert I give it for myself as a birthday gift...Hohoho...It only different 4 days with my Birthday..heheheh...

I also buy some stuff for this concert like Light Stick and SMTOWN T-Shirt although none of them is official.. Official merchandise are very expensive but hope it would be a stand in front of Gelora Bung Karno and selling the official merchandise so I can get one of them and is enough...hehhehe...
I like to buy tumblr if there are have..All the official merchandise I think tumblr is the most useful for me..I can take it everywhere with water..hehe..Hope there are really have a stand [-o<

Yeahh..These all I want to share..
and have a nice weekend ^^

Saturday, September 1, 2012

First day of September

Saturday, 01 September 2012

Yay..September is coming..that's mean my month..hehehe..

But the first day of September has been gimme attempt to face this September.. 
Yahh..I join the contest design the credit card and the due date is 31 August 2012, so yesterday I sent it about 8pm and got the undelivered mail at 10.46.. I've slept already :(
So sad...
Then this morning I resend again with another website..Hope I can give this chance to join this contest..Really hope it..

19 days to go, I'll visit Jakarta soon and go for SMTOWN Concert. Feeling so excited and I've already got the ticket and now the ticket is on my friend's hand.
Wanna see the ticket as soon as possible..heheh

Oww yeee...1 week ago I've been dreamed something related with Concert and SHINee..feel so real and so happy...I'll post my dream later..hehhee...

Today is Saturday and hope it'll be a nice weekend and beginning of month : )