Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another weekend :)

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Saturday again..I luv it v"

Today i will be go to T.Uncang to have a job interview, I planned to change a job.
Coz my current workplace is not suitable for me i think..
Some of the colleague wasn't suit for me.
I don want to have a conflict with them.
But there's also have a good one.But they are all leave this workplace.
So it's my turn ;)

I will be go to T.uncang at 12.
Hope All is Well and run smoothly...(*praying)

Tonight will have a dance practice..Hahahah.
So happy, coz i can Dance..Yihaaa \(^_^)/
I Luv Dance :)

And tomorrow my mom and my sister will go to Bintan to have a one day holiday. I didn't join coz of dance.
Time for dance was close.
Worried i can't follow up. So i cancelled my plan to join them,,
Hope they have a wonderful holiday :D

Ok,That's about today..
Happy Weekend All ^^
Have a nice weekend yeahhhh :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We can ;)

Thursday, 28 July 2011

It's Thursday guys,
so quickly, weekend was waiting us 2 days more.. :D

My topic today is Self Confidence.
I choose this to bring up my self confidence and you guys :)

I have lived for 20 years more,
I born as my mommy and daddy daughter,
I born as a girl, a bit black skin, a bit short and also less of confidence at sometime.
When i small, i always say to my Mom,
Mom,why i've black skin :-/
My mom,, it's must be thankful u didn't born as disable people ( defect ).
Yeah..i can't understand this, i just think of myself, my feeling, didn't care my parents feeling. 
Unfilial daugther.
But now i grown up as a teenager and more mature now,
I know all of this is "Karma",
So i face my life well. I will doing good now for my next life :D

Talking about confidence, I really must learning more,
I know that we don't need to care how the people saying about us.
Just being yourself.
I heard from my sister, my besties and my other friends.
And i also always give this sentence to others.
But actually i couldn't being like that..
It's hard for me..
But i try..
I read one note today..
"All is Well"
If u feel all is well and you bet all will be well, So just buck up friends.
You can !! ;)


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Today i scold marketing in my office..
Actually i didn't have intention to scold him / emotion with him.
I don't know why?

He is my seniority, I feel wrong now..
i shouldn't scold him..
But coz of him, he vanished all my design...:((

Today doesn't go smoothly :(

Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturday and Sunday

Monday, 25 July 2011

It's Monday again, the day that make everybody lazy to work.
Feel very sleepy now, wanna directly go to bed and bummppp....Zzz(sleeping soundly).. but couldn't.

Emm...At last weekend, i've got many activity.

Saturday, 23 July 2011
After i back from work at 12,
I sleep soundly till 3,
then went for dance at 7.
That night, we practice till 11,
It's late. After that, we went for a supper.
But we didn't eat..coz on diet. ;D

Sunday, I slept till 12 pm.
Coz i felt very tired last night.
and then i went to Dog's show with my besties, coz my besties' dog was joint the contest and it got 3rd champion.They're so happy..So did I :D

At night, we have to practice dance, I feel my body wanna broken in pieces.
But still hang on till the end :D
Hope i can dance well with my besties and friends :)

Woww..Fabulous weekend ^^

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hurts weekend :(

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Weekend again everybody, time really pass so fast.
Day by day pass, and again today is Saturday again. It's so scary. :))

Although today is Saturday. I just feel Ok.
Coz my leg was hurt :(
Last night when i was washing my clothes. I carelessly slipped down. and at the end, my toe was hurt. It's bleeding :(
Hurt hurt hurt  :(
Today i must practice dance.
Hope this hurt didn't influence my dance.

Hope it's recovered soon :D
Today will be a nice day all..
Hope all of you have a nice fabulous weekend ;) 


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Almost Weekend :)

Friday, 22 July 2011

Well,,Today is's so quick, one week almost pass.
Yesterday, I bought a pair of high heels with my besties for dancing.
Hope this pair of high heels will survive till the end (till the end of my dance)
Hahahah ( like human being survive ) :))
Hope i can dance well with this high heels..
coz last night i practice make me sway irregular...hahah...must practice more..
Coz Practice make Perfect...I know I can do it and so do my besties =))
Gambate yachhh :D

High Heels :D

High Heels :D

Last night i called my mother,,She's now in Bali on vacation..hahaha
I request my Mom buy many2 things..hahha..
Hope my Mom will buy what i want...Thank you Mom :)
Waiting* :p

Yupp...Have a nice day all :D

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vacation :D

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Today my brother, sister in law and my nephew going to vacation to Jakarta.
They have a flight on 9.20 today at Hang Nadim airport.
My mom also go to vacation yesterday. She go to Bali from Singapore..
Next Sunday,  my sister will going to Bintan..
Wow,,so envy.hahhaahha

Just now, i've called to my Mom.She said that she was taking a photo..hahahha..
(*my Mom like photo)

Seeing they are going to vacation.I wish i could go to vacation too...wkwkkwkwk
But coz of work, and Money2....
So from now i must earn money and save money then i can go to vacation...
Must be saving, cannot be extravagant :))

Gambatte ^^

Monday, July 18, 2011


Monday, 18 July 2011

Feel very sleepy and tired.
maybe coz of over-activity i think :D

Last Saturday, I have a dance-workout for my friend's brother wedding on September later. So we must learn from now.
We dance tango that dance by 2PM and Wonders Girls.
Hahhaa... It's a couple dance.
It's so funny last Saturday.
At first felt little shy, but after that. It's ok..
Coz i like dance. Dance to shout out my mind :)
Feel very happy coz i can learn new style of dance.
That day i also got new friends,,Nice to meet u all :D

It'll be move on till September.
Hope we can dance well and performance well later.
Gambate all ^^

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Diet diet *.*

Thursday, 14 July 2011

I have one mission...
Diet myself >,<

Wanna have a beautiful body like S =))
so from now on i must have myself for diet.
Eat more protein, avoid from oily food :D
do more exercise.
Many thing to do to get ideal weight.

Hwaiting :D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

By me :)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Post my creation :p
Cappuccino by me :D
Gift i wrap ^^


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sleepy whole day (:|

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Arrgghhh..feel sleepy till now..
Yawn and yawn and yawning (:|

My eyes were low bat..
Hoammmzz...feel so sleepy..but can't do anything...
working as usual..
I woke up on a quarter of six this morning.
That moment, how i wish i could received the message and my colleague text me that today we didn't have to work.I would be very happy..hahahha..but it's impossible :))

I feel sleepy whole day till now..
I think i should go to bed earlier it won't torture me like today :p

Today my friend asked me whether wanna join swimming at HU High School..
I thought i won't join, coz my besties didn't join..=p
but not sure yet...
I will think again ..

I'm listening song in the moment o|^_^|o
Lalalala~ ~ ~ ~


Monday, July 11, 2011

My activity and Dad at Batam

Monday, 11 July 2011

It almost 4..
I just have mood to post today :D

Last weekend,
I went for a movie at Nagoya Hill with my friends.
There were so crowded..
When i entered the Studio's fulled.
Maybe it's weekend and also the first day that Wu xia released at Batam.

The movie started at 8.15..
I entered the room 8.10 with my friend Xin ai..
and the others entered later.
We sat at row C..
The movie is so-so..not very excited coz it didn't have a climax..but it's nice coz of my favorite actor Donnie Yen inside it =p

emmm...the movie end about 10..
then we walked out from studio and went to parking.
But it's crazy...
there was jammed at parking..a long long jam and we waited inside the car for about 1 hour.. Awesome!!!...
then after we out from Nagoya Hill.
we went back to our home..coz it's late already..
Hahahah..that's Saturday Night..

Sunday, 10 July 2011
I woke up about 8.30..
Last night we had already planned would be go to have a breakfast together (Dad, Mom, Brother, Sister-in-law, Nephew, Sister and Me)
so i woke up and took a bath..
We prepared ourselves till 10 and out.
We have our breakfast at Nagoya Newtown.
I ate Curry Rice (Yummy =p~)

After that, we went to look for location, my brother wanna open mini market.
so we survey until the location that near the airport..
Weww...the weather is freaking hot...Arrghh..
after they survey,,we went back home at 1.
I took a nap..
and ate lunch at 3...
Hahaha..then i watched the movie....
My princess ( Korean movie drama )'s so nice :D

My princess

OMG..Look at his's awesome @@
Song Seung Heon :D

at Night, i had a little dinner and had a little durian :D
after that, i watched till i fall..
it's so great weekend :p


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekend again :)

Saturday, 09 July 2011
it's weekend..Feeling so happy coz today work until 12 only =p

Tonight maybe will catch for a movie WUXIA that staring by my favorite actor Donnie Yen ;))
Maybe catch at 6 maybe at 8...confuse!!
Wuxia (Donnie yen,Takeshi Kaneshiro,etc)

Hahahah..hope tonight will be a good good night :)

By the way, today my younger sister would be back to hometown at 11 later.
She had came here for about 2 weeks.
I think it's enough for her. She bought many things :))
As she going back, my father will be come here coz bringing his grand-daughter back to Batam. hahaaha..

About yesterday, as i post, i told i would go to BCS Mall after back from work.
Yeahh...I arrived there about 6.15 PM, my younger sister was so hungry (*sorry my younger sister) hahaha..
Coz of traffic jam and also must brought my colleagues back to their own home. So that i was late :D

After i arrived BCS Mall, we directly went to Uncle The to have a dinner.
I ate Gado-gado, my younger sister ate Ayam Penyet Amoy set and we sharing one portion of Pempek Telur ''Yummy!

and then my elder sister came to BCS Mall to met us after she back from work.
We walk around the BCS, my elder sister and my younger sister bought some stuff like bag, shoes, earring.. Hahaha..
I bought nothing. ;))
Then we went back about 9 with taxi :))


Friday, July 8, 2011

Last Day

Yogurt Couple
Friday, 08 July 2011

Woww,,so is friday..
Today is last day my younger sister at Batam.
Tomorrow she would be back to hometown (Selatpanjang)
So today i plan to accompany her to BCS mall and go to have a Bakso Ayam at Penuin * Yummy =p~

I will go BCS mall at 5, after i back from work.
But i bet i would be late..hahahha..

About yesterday, I went to Kepri Mall with my sister, mom, nephew, brother and sister-in-law.
We had Yoghurt at there in J-co donut & coffee :)

It's taste so-so.. I didn't like it so much maybe it's sour..hahaha..
But it's ok.

We back from Kepri Mall about 9.
Nothing special yesterday :D


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fabulous Day ^^

Thursday, 07 July 2011

About to lunch,
I just had time to write my post :)

Yesterday, after i back from work.
I've planned go to Kepri Mall to have a yoghurt.
But coz of suddenly, my friends asked me to meet our ex-teacher who taught us from primary school till high school.
So i cancelled go to Kepri Mall and met our teacher at Sijori Resort. They came here for training and of course for holiday too.
Almost all teacher were coming, about 100

After we arrived there, we met our teacher directly.
Wowww...still so many teacher who taught me when i was primary school came here.
I felt very happy and amazing (coz met again for about 2 years)
They still remembered me.
Feel touched :'(

Saw them in good healthy..feel very glad :)
Hope they can live till hundred or thousand :D
Thanks for them coz give me such a precious knowledge and taught me become adult.
Thank You all Teacher :)

We back from there about 10 pm.

Nice day all


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

As usual :)

Wednesday, 06 July 2011

Work as usual :)
Yesterday after i back from office.
I back home and prepared myself to out with my sister :p

And then we out at 6 with taxi :D
we arrived at Lotus-Stationary store about 6:10..hahaha..
I and my younger sister bought some pen and some stationary while waiting my elder sister. coz we planned to had a bit of pizza hut ~=p

Pens my younger sister bought :)

Pens I bought :D

But before that, after we out from Lotus, we directly went to Okano-hair'dressing :)
for my younger and elder sister's hair cut.
We cut for about half an hour, and we went to Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall after that.
We arrived there about 7.50 and we directly went to Pizza Hut.
We order pizza, spaghetti, teriyaki and drinks :D
Yummy, we were so full :))

After that, we went home with my elder sister's friend :D
Have a nice day yesterday :D


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Nothing gonna change my love for you

Tuesday, 05 July 2011

Hear a song, enjoy life, learn how to forget you :)

Nothing gonna change my love for YOU

If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong

Our dreams are young
And we both know they'll take us
Where we want to go 
(Chorus 1)
Hold me now
Touch me now
I don't want to live without you  

(Chorus 2)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love 
(Chorus 3)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you  

If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too.. 


Monday, July 4, 2011

Weekday :D

Hi is Monday 4 July 2011 :)

I didn't make a post for 2 day, hahaha
Now i'm gonna post about my activity these 2 day.

Saturday, 2 July 2011.
I'm back from office about 2pm, actually i've back on 12pm. But coz of nobody fetch us home, so we must wait. x-(

After i arrived home, i took a bath and accompany my mom, sister, sister-in-law and my nephew-niece to DC Mall.
At there, we bought some clothes and some accessories :D
we also take dinner at there for KFC :))
and we back about 6.30pm.

Sunday, 3 July 2011. ( whole day waiting for ur message * but not at all )
My 1st sister-in-law was going back to hometown.So was my nephew and niece.
Feel little bit unwilling :(
But it's ok..they will come here for next holiday :D

In the afternoon, I, my elder and younger sister was going to Edukits, a store that sell half-complete stationary, there was sell many-many unique and cute things :) *I like it.
After that, we went ahead to Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall with my 3rd brother and 3rd sister-in-law and so was my mom. We had lunch there at Citra Pempek. It's so lucky, we were treated by my brother's friend =p
We had lunch for about 1 hour.
After that, we went to Matahari Dept Store to bought clothes,my brother's clothes and i also bought a cap for myself. xD
and my brother also bought a pair of shoes but i made wrong. After back home, my brother wanna give a try for his shoes, but OMG, it obviously different between right and left..bruakkaakka...
so it would be change with Matahari Dept Store for today or tomorrow.hahaha..It's so funny :D

I have an excited and bit tiring weekend :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sick :'(

Thursday, 30 June 2011
Work as usual, but feel little bit tired and unwell.
Feel like a needle pierce into my bone.
It's so uncomfortable..

In the afternoon, my colleague went out and i request her to bought a fried banana.
When she came back, she really bought it. Yummy :p
It's so crispy and delicious.Hahaha..
I ate much and feel little sore-throat.kwkwkwk.

About 4, i felt so cold, felt like wanna fall sick. ~.~
Whole body felt weak no power at all.
When i arrived home about 6.
I directly went to my room and slept for a while, till my sister back from work.
She cooked a noodle for me.
And after i ate it. I watched the television till 11 pm.
I went to my room but couldn't sleep although i felt very tired. :'(
but in the end i also slept soundly..During sleeping, I dreamed many things.hihihi..
I dreamed i have a boyfriend..Who was him ? *secret
hahaha..(*think too much maybe)
Felt very excited in my dream.. :p