Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last day on 2011..

Saturday, 31 December 2011's last day for this year...hihihi..'s your life on 2011???
Hhahaha..i hope all of you are great..
I'm pass through this year plainly.. nothing special happened in this year. But fortunately I pass it smoothly. Thanks God..

Today is the last day..and most of the people are waiting this day and celebrate it.
Everyone hoping 2012 will be better than do I and today everyone who celebrate will countdown at 11.59.It would be very crowd and woww....

I will celebrate with my dance's crew and their friends at KTM or Tanjung Pinggir. Hope this party will give me the best moment to remember for this 2011.
and I would like to apologize to everyone for what I have done this year. If I have do something wrong..
Forgive me..I won't repeat it again.

I will do better for this last day and for next 2012...
You can!!!!..

Happy New Year all..
Have a nice life and nice day for 2012..hihihi


Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year Soon...

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Hello yeahh guys,,,
It's 29 December 2011 today..2 days more is New Year 2012..
It's seem so fast that i have pass through all this year...and thanks God..I'm fine and so my family and my friend :)
All has been setting down by You..

I hope for these 2 days before ending of this year..I can do something right, i don't want to make disappointed to my family and people around me.
I hope all my bad habit can lessen one by one and be a new person for New Year later.
I know i won't be the best but i will try the best.
For all of you that have many problems in this 2011. Hoping you also got new life and great things happen in your life at 2012.
Buck Up..


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Feel great to the max..\(>,<)/

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

I'm very happy, happy and happy..
the reason of it is I can go back to my hometown for one week on Chinese Lunar New Year..
I feel very excited..
Can't say in word...WUkakakkakakakak..

Very thanks to all of it.
Actually before i have worried how to go back for long time coz my supervisor was also wanna going back. Because we are same hometown..
Then I'm very worried, how to request to my Manager..and i decided to discuss this problem with my supervisor and manager..My manager give us a leave..but can't at the same time..because our department can't empty for a long time..
So My manager make arrangement. Two of us..One is going back from 18 Jan-25 Jan and one is 22 Jan - 29 Jan..
OMG...I'm of course choose the second one..
But before my supervisor said that he will insist till 29 Jan.
After this arrangement..he gave me the second one.
KAMXIA KAMXIA...Kamsahabnida..감사합니다장기 살고 (Long Life OPPA) =p

Yeahhh...I just wanna share my great joy here.,..hihiihih...

Llalalalalalallllalalalallalal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Changing of life

Thursday, 08 December 2011
3-4 days ago i found something weird in my office.
Someone i trusted become weird..I don't know what she think about,
But she really change..without hesitate..
She said that she wanna be a fair one,but actually she didn't,she become stranger for us.
But i hope she will realized it.

I think everybody would be change as time is running, day by day, month by month, year by year.
It's become a procedure of life i think.
But sometimes feeling if she/he change become bad. It's so pity and poor.
Hoping everybody get revolution but change to good side. So it won't harm anybody and anything.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


Thursday, 01 December 2011

It's already December yay *\(^_^)/* yay *\(^_^)/* yay!!!
Last month on 2011..1 month to go to 2012..Lalalala~~~~
It's almost New Year,,but before New Year, it will be a Christmas Eve on 25 December.. Holy night ^^

Yeyyyy... in this beginning of this month. I have many many wish to wished :
~ My family are always stay happy and healthy
~ My salary will be rise more
~ My work will be always run smoothly
~ People beside me will be always happy
~ and many more i will wished at beginning of the 2012..hihihihi..
xixi..seems I'm too greedy...ckckckc..but i just wishing...not forcing to be mine...but hope hope really be mine..WUAHAHHAHAHA..

I always hoping got someone that would stay beside me and understand me all the time..How I wish... ~(^/\^)~
I will wait,,wait till the time is right and my Mr.Right will come for me..hihiih..
Kidding guys,,
It's only a wish...not the primary wish..primary wish are on upstairs, hahahah...

that's all,,
Hope this month all of you are stay in happiness and so am I..

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why ???

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

I hate..i hate someone who can't give me reason that i think it's can't accept by me..
Why should be end up like this.??
I don't know what should i do..
I just think all of these just become my responsible, actually it's not.

You say something to me that can't make me accept what have been happened past..but now i have understand all.
If you like one person,..u also can like other one..except u have one girl/boy friend, u can't have other one..
Yeah..i could accept it..
Maybe i'm sensitive for this case..
Maybe i'm thinking too much.
Maybe i'm not mature at all..

Yeah..We just a friend..i just can't make u as my friend..
But i wanna be a everlasting friend..
Goodluck friend..
Gain your happiness soon...


Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Such a tired morning..@@
When i walked in into my work's very quiet, coz of many workers are making demonstration in front of our work location. So we can't walk in through main gate..
We walked from little forest or someplace that very quiet.
We walked for about 20 minutes, at last, we arrived our workplace, walking tiredly,,make me can't concentrate in work..feeling very lazy..hmmmpppp..

They making demonstration coz of their salary. Their salary is too little for me..
Only 1.180.000, for the worker that have family, it would be a difficult thing for them. How you think how they lived if the rent of house was at least 400rb then for baby milk, for cost of electricity and etc..How they lived ?
I think if my salary is 1.180.000, i think every month i will be minus.ckckckkckckkc..

So they demonstration for purpose that their salary can rises some.
So poor they are..
Hope this demonstration may have the result they want.
Gambatte Guys..hihihhi.. that is time for me to work,,, very very lazy...arrghhhh..
Nice day all ^^

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Busily lately...

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

My mind was blank lately,,it make me didn't write a post those days.
I even don't know what i am busy for...
Maybe my work or sometime I'm browsing till i forget what i was done..hihih..

2 month to go to celebrate Chinese New Year..
but seems i even didn't buy the clothes i like the most...
then about holiday for Chinese New Year...make me feel annoyed..coz i know i can't go back to my hometown till 7 days, that coz i'm still new at this company..
i can't do the thing..just laying down to my luck.T_____T.
But hoping my wish will be come true..hiihi..

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Saturday, 05 November 2011

Sharing my happiest thing now.. =p
2 days ago i got a phone from my university.
It's really a surprise for me, the admin tell me that i got a scholarship...ajaja..
When i heard this, it make me unbelievable and surprise.
I feel very happy that can't subscribe in word.
My heart dag dig dug jumping fast.
Feeling like something happened and it's woww...hahha..

Yeah..i really got it with many time requested of scholarship..
Feel very very happy.
I got 4 million this time.
and all of the money was deposited to my univ virtual account.
so for this semester i only paid for about 2 million more :D

Thanks God..
I'm really feeling thankful..
My Dad doesn't need to sent me the college fee it can alleviate my dad's burden..

Thanks and thanks again..

Have a nice weekend all :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hallo November

Tuesday, 01 November 2011

Hallo November,
Feel great to meet you, coz you are near of New Year..hihih..
Hope in this month, all things will going and running smoothly and of course i will do well :)

Now i was facing Mid Test in my college.
It's very fast, and i will have Final Test on January..
After that, i will go to sixth semester..
Yooo...3 semester to go to gain my graduation..yiahhhh..

So i must study hard and study well..:)
Must be wise..heehe..
Hope all my friends also can do that..
Cheers Up all :-bd


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Busy Weekend...

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Yeahhh,,yeahhh,,,It's Saturday...Thanks i'm still alive :))

Usually, Saturday make everybody feel relax, coz some of them they didn't have to work.
They work only for 5 days..such as Bank or Foreign Country Company..
For me, Saturday is full of schedule..
Work from 8-2..
Arrived home above 3.But now, i have many task / assignment to do and learn, so i must learn together with my friends. Sometimes we gather at Mall and discuss what we must learn.
We do assignment from 3-5, and then i back home prepared for replacement class coz our lecturer not present for many weeks. So we must have a replacement class.
After that, i must go to practice my dance till night.

It's seems time rushing me really..
It make me tired but fantastic.... xixixixi..
So with these busy, i won't think too much about many things..
It's better for me.. :)

It's weekend now..
May you all have a great weekend ^^

Friday, October 28, 2011

Being mature ~

Friday, 28 October 2011


It's friday already..
Well well, it almost weekend..=))
Time do fly so fast..make me feel rushing by time..
Actually, 24 hours is not enough for me..
Hope it can add for above a couple hours or more maybe..

Why i can't control myself ??
I hate someone who are busybody same as LOSO..
This is my problem or his/her?

I don't know how to face this..
Everytime i talk to his/her, i don't know why it make me emotion..his/her face or what??
My mood everyday almost ruin because of his/her..

Inner Peace Inner Peace..Amituofo....
Be patient...Be patient...... :)
Being mature..Being mature....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rainy Day :)

Thursday, 27 October 2011

It's seem raining everyday lately.
But i like raining, because it can make me warm..
raining without thunder i meant..hihihi..
Thunder is very horrible for me..i afraid of loud sound.( very fear of it @@)

Life is like a rain drop down..
We can't controlled it when it must heavy when it mustn't..
same as our life..we can't controlled when it can be fabulous as we like and when it won't..
Just cherish our life every time..
God has arrange all to us and we also need effort to make it great :)

Just be grateful..:)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Saving ~

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Those few days i have think and over think.
Why my salary every month won't save some at Bank Acc or Self-Save?
Feel nothing on myself.
I don't know where i spend it on.
Work for about 2 years.But no money at all for my saving.
I think i'm useless..
Now i can't support some for my college fee at all.
Last work, i still can support myself for 2million rupiah.
But no for now..

I think i must work hard for next.
I want to be a rich man.
I wanna give better life for myself and my family.
I know it's not just say..but must action.
I'll try to not spend money for not important thing.

Ganbatte Ganbatte....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Better Life- Ganbatte,,

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

No more post since last 30 almost 2 weeks i didn't make a post..
Yeah..lately i'm so busy for my work, study and also my business =p
I run a small business at Internet..Online Shopp..
I sell clothes for girls there.'s not only a business for me, but i think it's also my hobby..
I like to viewing clothes that sold at Internet.
Dunno what,,clothes maniac i think..xixixix.. :D
Hope it's run smoothly,,

and about my study, it run so-so..
no more stress and no more relax..: p

Now..i don't think too much...just wanna earn more money for better life, hahahaha.
Working hard and study hard for my future and for my family :)


Friday, September 30, 2011


Friday, 30 September 2011

TGIF...It's Friday already,,
Tomorrow it's weekend..but I must working too...
but work for 6 hours only,hehehe

those days my mood so-so..
Sometimes happy sometimes not..
I'm not happy coz of my Dad's legs was hurt..
His leg is swollen seriously,,
Feel sad..
Hope my Dad's leg recovered soon :)

Everyday is going like that,,, working and studying..
But keep fighting forward..
Coz there are no rainbow without rain..

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Time is so Precious.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

It's almost a week i didn't make a post.
Lately i was very busy on working.
My time was spending all of for work till the time off.
Sometimes feel going insane coz of these works, but sometimes feel enjoy coz the time was going so fast.
But i feel a bit of tired, coz of never been like this i thought.
I think i will get used to all of this..heheheh.

and about my study lately..huhu.
almost my lecturer got absent last week...fiuhhh..
Pay money for study, but the lecturer didn't present...haizzz...

TIME is So Precious..
Cherish it every Second :)


Monday, September 19, 2011

Study Again..

19 September 2011,

After have 3 month long holiday..
Finally back to normal life..Work and Study..So tired!!
Time flies so fast.
Today will be the first day in 5th semester for me..
4 semester more to gain my graduation..about 2 years..
I hope I can study well...

Today our college will be increase more student coz of new semester for new student.hahaha.
so i will meet many stranger..and my class for this semester was definitely new i think..
Hope all of it will going smoothly :)'s time for me to working.. :)
O yeah...suddenly forgot..Yesterday is my Birthday ..
But i didn't celebrate at all..
Nobody know...Just some friend and my Genk..Lucky Seven..but not all of them give me the greeting..But NVM..maybe they were busy so forget it..
Thanks guys who have given me greeting...I would be very appreciate it :)


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love,love,love @@

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Saying about love..
I feel nothing..
Love someone who didn't love us.
Love someone who just play with us.
Love someone who never be with us.

Every Girl wanna have a blissful relationship..
and so do i..
But..never go smoothly...
Feel so lame...Hhuhuhuhuhu..
Where is my other part..??
Where are you??


Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Chinese Birthday ^^

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Yihaa..It's Weekend now...nananannanana~~~~

Last two days is my Chinese Birthday, 八月十一,
That day I got Gold Key Necklace from my Mom and Red Pocket from my Brother..
I also got other gift..My sister bought me laptop's charger and my young brother bought me a bag (actually he give me money,,ckckck)

I eat Mie Sua Neng that day..Yummyyyy ~ ~

My Mom Cook for me :p
At the night, my sister buy me a small cake for celebrate :D
Thank you sis :*
Cake from my sister :)
 And the day after it 09 Sept 2011
My Friends...Melody Group,,,
At first,i planned treat them for karaoke..
But they bought cake for me...
Thanks guys :*

Cake from Melody ^^
Hhahaha...we are crazy last night..
We shout and dance..hahaha..
Really enjoy that time...Cherish it !! :)
There are some pictures took at Inul Vista Last Night =p

All Guys :)
Me & Xin Ai :*

Me & Ace :)

Me & Ana :)

Me & Meily :)

Me & Xueqiu :)

Me & Si Wilson :p

Me & Jian Chen :)

Me & William :)

Me & Do2..:)

Me & Sukir :)

Me & Ricky :)
Thanks again all guys..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dance on the floor ~:D~

Tuesday, 06 Sept 2011

It's been 2 weeks i didn't share my post :)

Many things happened on these days,
Really really fantastic : p
I make it short guys..
The most memorable moment i remembered is the dance performance..
Yeahhh,,we have practice and  learn tango dance for about 3 month, and on last 3 September 2011. We have show off this dance..
Feeling so nervous but happy..hehehe..
We performed well, but have little mistake, but it's ok,,
Long time no dance ,hihihi..
I don know we would be continue dance or not.
But i hope we can continue..don wanna end like this :(
Yehaaaa...these some photos we took in the wedding party..
Woww..Super Melody : )

5 GAY :p
5 Ladies

Me & Wilson : p

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My best friend visit Batam part II :)

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Hi Everybody,,
Today is Thursday :)
2 days more..hihihi..
I bet all of you know what come for 2 days more...YEAH..IT'S WEEKEND =))

Yesterday I have met my Best Friend came from Jakarta..Lenny is her name..heheh..
We planned gather on 6..
But but but coz of my work time..
I arrived home on 6.30..
so I late for 1 hour more...:(
Sorry Frenz..

Well,,we finally met on 7.30..
then we directly went to Monic Karaoke..
We sang for 2 hours.
We sang, laugh, storying..hihihi and chit chat..
So happy..
Long time no see with this best friend..
She back to Selatpanjang today.
BOn Voyage for her..

and these some pictures we took yesterday...

At Monic (Qi,Ying,Ai,Ling)
At Monic (Qi,Ying,Fong,Ling)
At Monic (Ai,Qi,Ying,Fong)
At BCS (Ying,Qi,Ai,Fong,Ling)
At BCS (Fong,Ai,Qi,Ying,Ling)
So Happy..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blank minded

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

I didn't post for a few day.
My mind is blank..Don know what must i share..hahaha.

Today is Wednesday..3 days more to go to Weekend :)
After this week, we got holiday,,maybe for one week..
After that, I have change my a new place.
Wondering how the new environment..:)
Hope i can adapt easily at there and everything going smoothly ..(*praying)

Today i will go to meet my best friend, she came back from Jakarta last day, so we decided meet today, coz tomorrow she will going back to our hometown-Selatpanjang..
It's been so long time i didn't meet her,,
Thought she has changed...hhehee.(meant looks not character)
Hope tonight will be a good good night :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

17 August Holiday

Friday, 19 August 2011

Today is Friday already,,
Tomorrow is the day i waiting for coz it's Weekend..
How i wait this weekend..

Because i'm so lazy to work..
About 17 August Indonesia's Independence Day.
Me & My family went to Tanjung Pinang & Agro Bintan.
We really enjoy that moment,,
We arrived TPI at Morning.
And we went to Agro Bintan at Afternoon..
We play water game like Big Mable, Flying Fish, Banana boat and others.. really exciting..

So happy that day,,
coz family gathered and enjoy the holiday..
Wondering next chance...hihihih

this some photos we took that day :)

My beloved family

Rock n Roll

My Mother

Me at temple

My sis at temple

Such a nice moment :-bd

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Independence Day

Tuesday, 16 Aug 2011

Today is 16 Aug 2011 and Tomorrow is 17 August 2011==> Indonesia's Independence Day..
67 years ago, Indonesia was colonized by Japan..
and with our effort and finally at 17 August 1945..
Indonesia stand independence..

So tomorrow 17 Aug 2011..We have a holiday..National Holiday..
Planning go to Tanjung pinang visit my sister and brother in law also my cute nephew..hahhaha..

My father and my brother coming to Batam today.
I bet they are arrived home now..
Maybe they will go to Pinang first..and my sister and my sister in law will catch tomorrow..
Coz today i must work..and tonight i have dance practicing..

That's all..
Happy Independence Day for Indonesia..
Wish will be improve day by day...
Semangat !!!!!!!...
Indonesia's Flag


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weekend :)

Saturday, 13 Aug 2011

Weekend again,
The day i waiting most..

Today i don't have to learn dance..
cause of some reason,so today is holiday for dance and will be dance tomorrow.
Today off at 12..hahha.
so happy, i will rest at home..

Last night i went for Fast Five..
That's really Great movie.
You guys should watch it.
It's really awesome,
Feeling want to watch for second :D

That's all..
Have a nice weekend all :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

All in good mood ^^

Thursday, 11 Aug 2011

Yihaaa,,,2 days more to go for weekend ..

Today feel so happy and my friends all in good mood..
If everyday can be like this..
but impossible..
Life is unknown :p

so Let's rock and roll...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Annoyed Monday

Monday, 08 Aug 2011

It's Monday..
Bored Monday, the day that is very annoyed for almost people.
So bored today, got no spirit for work.
Very very lazy and sleepy..
When it'll be end?
I think it's impossible will be end..

I need my bed now..
and my pillow and my blanket..

Quickly 5 please..
Then i go back and rest as my wish...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What should i do?

Saturday, 06 Aug 2011

Weekend now..
But my mood is extremely bad.
I have a problem that i never thought it will be happen to me.
And i don know how to face this problem.
Because i know this is hurt for them.
Please don be like this.
I really don know what should i do...

Please be Ok..
I just beg you please be OK..

I swear i won't repeat this to all of you..
I have learned from experience...

So, please gimme one more chance..

Friday, August 5, 2011

dag dig dug @@

Friday, 05 Aug 2011

Today is Friday,
Tomorrow is weekend...^_^

Today i wanna give my resign letter to my BOss..
I'm afraid..
What should i Do???

I don't have any courage to give this letter, because 3 days ago, my friend just give the resign letter.
I'm afraid that my Boss would be blow up this time..
Oh my Gosh...

I decided to resign this time because of unsuitable time to me for my study.
So i have to resign and also the work i dislike.
I dislike that the work i do never have result.
Feel nothing..
But i also wanna thanks to my colleague, because they also gimme experience especially my seniors..
And the most i'm not bear is my Manager Marketing.
He is about 40 years old man.
but he is very dote me..and dote kid..
He is kind to me..

And my project senior, She is also very dote me..
She is always help me although i always make wrong.
Feel sorry to them..:(

But i have to quit..
Hope all of you always do the best.
And always stay happy and healthy :D

Thank you..


Thursday, August 4, 2011


Thursday, 04 Aug 2011

Yihaa..Today is Thursday ^^
2 days more to go to weekend..

Tonight i will go catch a Harry potter,,
Actually i's late for this movie..
But never mind,,It's not too late..:p
And then tomorrow will go for Transformer 3....wooo..

Today and Tomorrow will be a good day :)
I will go with my besties and friend :D

Yihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........ \(^_^)/


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


finally i have filling the majors, I choose Networking.
Hope i can learn it well.
Don't know how to speak out my feeling and mind.
Just feel resigned.

It's all same..
Feel depression :(

All is well..All is well :D

Mom's Birthday ^^

Wednesday, 3 Aug 2011

Today is Wednesday and also my Mom's birthday :D
Happy Birthday Mother..
Hope u always stay in happy and healthy
Also got long long long live :D

U're really a great Mother for us (ur children)
Thank you Mom,,
U are older one year, feel sad :D
But happy coz u always stay healthy :)

Love u Mother ^^

Monday, August 1, 2011

Lazy monday

Monday, 01 Aug 2011

New day,New month and New Spirit.
But actually i have no spirit at all.
Last night I slept at 12...
Today i feel so sleepy, very sleepy and really very very sleepy..

Now i'm confused, confused what must i choose for my specialization majors.
Last time, our lecture said that there would be 3 specialization majors, are:
1. Multimedia
2. Networking
3. Programming

I have planning and decided to choose Multimedia.
But unfortunately, 3 days ago, Multimedia was cancelled by our Lecturer..

Whereas many student was decided choosing the Multimedia, but he cancelled as he wish..
Please considered our feeling and planning and future..OK?
We pay, u know..
actually i realized that we don't have any authority at U*B.
They planning, changing, commanding,
Please be professional.
Just aware, U exist because we exist... x-(

Mood ruin by you...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another weekend :)

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Saturday again..I luv it v"

Today i will be go to T.Uncang to have a job interview, I planned to change a job.
Coz my current workplace is not suitable for me i think..
Some of the colleague wasn't suit for me.
I don want to have a conflict with them.
But there's also have a good one.But they are all leave this workplace.
So it's my turn ;)

I will be go to T.uncang at 12.
Hope All is Well and run smoothly...(*praying)

Tonight will have a dance practice..Hahahah.
So happy, coz i can Dance..Yihaaa \(^_^)/
I Luv Dance :)

And tomorrow my mom and my sister will go to Bintan to have a one day holiday. I didn't join coz of dance.
Time for dance was close.
Worried i can't follow up. So i cancelled my plan to join them,,
Hope they have a wonderful holiday :D

Ok,That's about today..
Happy Weekend All ^^
Have a nice weekend yeahhhh :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We can ;)

Thursday, 28 July 2011

It's Thursday guys,
so quickly, weekend was waiting us 2 days more.. :D

My topic today is Self Confidence.
I choose this to bring up my self confidence and you guys :)

I have lived for 20 years more,
I born as my mommy and daddy daughter,
I born as a girl, a bit black skin, a bit short and also less of confidence at sometime.
When i small, i always say to my Mom,
Mom,why i've black skin :-/
My mom,, it's must be thankful u didn't born as disable people ( defect ).
Yeah..i can't understand this, i just think of myself, my feeling, didn't care my parents feeling. 
Unfilial daugther.
But now i grown up as a teenager and more mature now,
I know all of this is "Karma",
So i face my life well. I will doing good now for my next life :D

Talking about confidence, I really must learning more,
I know that we don't need to care how the people saying about us.
Just being yourself.
I heard from my sister, my besties and my other friends.
And i also always give this sentence to others.
But actually i couldn't being like that..
It's hard for me..
But i try..
I read one note today..
"All is Well"
If u feel all is well and you bet all will be well, So just buck up friends.
You can !! ;)


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Today i scold marketing in my office..
Actually i didn't have intention to scold him / emotion with him.
I don't know why?

He is my seniority, I feel wrong now..
i shouldn't scold him..
But coz of him, he vanished all my design...:((

Today doesn't go smoothly :(

Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturday and Sunday

Monday, 25 July 2011

It's Monday again, the day that make everybody lazy to work.
Feel very sleepy now, wanna directly go to bed and bummppp....Zzz(sleeping soundly).. but couldn't.

Emm...At last weekend, i've got many activity.

Saturday, 23 July 2011
After i back from work at 12,
I sleep soundly till 3,
then went for dance at 7.
That night, we practice till 11,
It's late. After that, we went for a supper.
But we didn't eat..coz on diet. ;D

Sunday, I slept till 12 pm.
Coz i felt very tired last night.
and then i went to Dog's show with my besties, coz my besties' dog was joint the contest and it got 3rd champion.They're so happy..So did I :D

At night, we have to practice dance, I feel my body wanna broken in pieces.
But still hang on till the end :D
Hope i can dance well with my besties and friends :)

Woww..Fabulous weekend ^^

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hurts weekend :(

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Weekend again everybody, time really pass so fast.
Day by day pass, and again today is Saturday again. It's so scary. :))

Although today is Saturday. I just feel Ok.
Coz my leg was hurt :(
Last night when i was washing my clothes. I carelessly slipped down. and at the end, my toe was hurt. It's bleeding :(
Hurt hurt hurt  :(
Today i must practice dance.
Hope this hurt didn't influence my dance.

Hope it's recovered soon :D
Today will be a nice day all..
Hope all of you have a nice fabulous weekend ;) 


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Almost Weekend :)

Friday, 22 July 2011

Well,,Today is's so quick, one week almost pass.
Yesterday, I bought a pair of high heels with my besties for dancing.
Hope this pair of high heels will survive till the end (till the end of my dance)
Hahahah ( like human being survive ) :))
Hope i can dance well with this high heels..
coz last night i practice make me sway irregular...hahah...must practice more..
Coz Practice make Perfect...I know I can do it and so do my besties =))
Gambate yachhh :D

High Heels :D

High Heels :D

Last night i called my mother,,She's now in Bali on vacation..hahaha
I request my Mom buy many2 things..hahha..
Hope my Mom will buy what i want...Thank you Mom :)
Waiting* :p

Yupp...Have a nice day all :D

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vacation :D

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Today my brother, sister in law and my nephew going to vacation to Jakarta.
They have a flight on 9.20 today at Hang Nadim airport.
My mom also go to vacation yesterday. She go to Bali from Singapore..
Next Sunday,  my sister will going to Bintan..
Wow,,so envy.hahhaahha

Just now, i've called to my Mom.She said that she was taking a photo..hahahha..
(*my Mom like photo)

Seeing they are going to vacation.I wish i could go to vacation too...wkwkkwkwk
But coz of work, and Money2....
So from now i must earn money and save money then i can go to vacation...
Must be saving, cannot be extravagant :))

Gambatte ^^

Monday, July 18, 2011


Monday, 18 July 2011

Feel very sleepy and tired.
maybe coz of over-activity i think :D

Last Saturday, I have a dance-workout for my friend's brother wedding on September later. So we must learn from now.
We dance tango that dance by 2PM and Wonders Girls.
Hahhaa... It's a couple dance.
It's so funny last Saturday.
At first felt little shy, but after that. It's ok..
Coz i like dance. Dance to shout out my mind :)
Feel very happy coz i can learn new style of dance.
That day i also got new friends,,Nice to meet u all :D

It'll be move on till September.
Hope we can dance well and performance well later.
Gambate all ^^

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Diet diet *.*

Thursday, 14 July 2011

I have one mission...
Diet myself >,<

Wanna have a beautiful body like S =))
so from now on i must have myself for diet.
Eat more protein, avoid from oily food :D
do more exercise.
Many thing to do to get ideal weight.

Hwaiting :D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

By me :)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Post my creation :p
Cappuccino by me :D
Gift i wrap ^^


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sleepy whole day (:|

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Arrgghhh..feel sleepy till now..
Yawn and yawn and yawning (:|

My eyes were low bat..
Hoammmzz...feel so sleepy..but can't do anything...
working as usual..
I woke up on a quarter of six this morning.
That moment, how i wish i could received the message and my colleague text me that today we didn't have to work.I would be very happy..hahahha..but it's impossible :))

I feel sleepy whole day till now..
I think i should go to bed earlier it won't torture me like today :p

Today my friend asked me whether wanna join swimming at HU High School..
I thought i won't join, coz my besties didn't join..=p
but not sure yet...
I will think again ..

I'm listening song in the moment o|^_^|o
Lalalala~ ~ ~ ~


Monday, July 11, 2011

My activity and Dad at Batam

Monday, 11 July 2011

It almost 4..
I just have mood to post today :D

Last weekend,
I went for a movie at Nagoya Hill with my friends.
There were so crowded..
When i entered the Studio's fulled.
Maybe it's weekend and also the first day that Wu xia released at Batam.

The movie started at 8.15..
I entered the room 8.10 with my friend Xin ai..
and the others entered later.
We sat at row C..
The movie is so-so..not very excited coz it didn't have a climax..but it's nice coz of my favorite actor Donnie Yen inside it =p

emmm...the movie end about 10..
then we walked out from studio and went to parking.
But it's crazy...
there was jammed at parking..a long long jam and we waited inside the car for about 1 hour.. Awesome!!!...
then after we out from Nagoya Hill.
we went back to our home..coz it's late already..
Hahahah..that's Saturday Night..

Sunday, 10 July 2011
I woke up about 8.30..
Last night we had already planned would be go to have a breakfast together (Dad, Mom, Brother, Sister-in-law, Nephew, Sister and Me)
so i woke up and took a bath..
We prepared ourselves till 10 and out.
We have our breakfast at Nagoya Newtown.
I ate Curry Rice (Yummy =p~)

After that, we went to look for location, my brother wanna open mini market.
so we survey until the location that near the airport..
Weww...the weather is freaking hot...Arrghh..
after they survey,,we went back home at 1.
I took a nap..
and ate lunch at 3...
Hahaha..then i watched the movie....
My princess ( Korean movie drama )'s so nice :D

My princess

OMG..Look at his's awesome @@
Song Seung Heon :D

at Night, i had a little dinner and had a little durian :D
after that, i watched till i fall..
it's so great weekend :p


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekend again :)

Saturday, 09 July 2011
it's weekend..Feeling so happy coz today work until 12 only =p

Tonight maybe will catch for a movie WUXIA that staring by my favorite actor Donnie Yen ;))
Maybe catch at 6 maybe at 8...confuse!!
Wuxia (Donnie yen,Takeshi Kaneshiro,etc)

Hahahah..hope tonight will be a good good night :)

By the way, today my younger sister would be back to hometown at 11 later.
She had came here for about 2 weeks.
I think it's enough for her. She bought many things :))
As she going back, my father will be come here coz bringing his grand-daughter back to Batam. hahaaha..

About yesterday, as i post, i told i would go to BCS Mall after back from work.
Yeahh...I arrived there about 6.15 PM, my younger sister was so hungry (*sorry my younger sister) hahaha..
Coz of traffic jam and also must brought my colleagues back to their own home. So that i was late :D

After i arrived BCS Mall, we directly went to Uncle The to have a dinner.
I ate Gado-gado, my younger sister ate Ayam Penyet Amoy set and we sharing one portion of Pempek Telur ''Yummy!

and then my elder sister came to BCS Mall to met us after she back from work.
We walk around the BCS, my elder sister and my younger sister bought some stuff like bag, shoes, earring.. Hahaha..
I bought nothing. ;))
Then we went back about 9 with taxi :))
